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this is a placeholder image; Witch Cedar is not a mouse

this is a placeholder image; Witch Cedar is not a mouse

Witch Cedar

Witch Cedar is a strange but kind-spirited magician who mostly keeps to herself except to conduct her business. She makes socially-conscious consumer magic - mostly in the form of edible spells - for the day-to-day needs of her community, selling them for a modest value. She is known to be helpful and approachable, more than willing to help solve any problem you might have, but also rather confusing to interact with at times because her thinking is so erratic. While very few people know her well, those who know her casually suspect that her strange thought patterns are the combined effects of ADHD and her indeterminate-but-probably-significant age. (If she even experiences time the way that most of us do.)

Witch Cedar is very thoroughly educated in several schools of magic, though her strengths lie in enchantments. She remains a devoted student, always seeking to learn from the wisdom of magicians before her. As a result, she is in fact a member of multiple covens. With all of this knowledge, she began long ago to experiment with new possibilities, and is now a highly successful magical innovator and inventor. Her combined creativity and vast knowledge base have resulted in the pioneering of three brand-new spell-blending and -preserving techniques and more than two dozen new spell varieties.

Witch Cedar lives in a cramped and chaotic but cozy and welcoming cottage with many plants and many animals. It is unclear to outsiders which among them are familiars, which are being cultivated as spell components, and which are merely companions.


Witch Cedar is one of a handful of characters of mine that show up in various stories and universes. So far, she has roles in two universes, both of which I refer to as ‘sandbox worlds’ for myself right now - places where I play with characters and settings, write various short stories or scenes, and experiment with new ideas. Both of these universes will hopefully one day host bigger, more cohesive stories, but for now they’re just playgrounds for me.

In the world of Domum Notoria, which revolves around a school-cum-safehaven for (mostly) young supernatural beings, Witch Cedar is an old friend of a world-wise warlock known to his students as Professor Canton Boxelder. While Witch Cedar does not teach, or even live especially near the Domum Notoria property, she has been known to drop in on her old friend every so often to catch up. Boxelder has also called on her occasionally while pursuing his own research - his personal interest lies in unusual, unique, or idiosyncratic magic, and Witch Cedar has seen as many odd things over the years as he has, if not more. She’s been the source of more than a few illuminating insights in the time they’ve been acquainted, and Boxelder values her input as a well-educated and creative magician.

In the world of Witch College Radio, which is more or less exactly what it sounds like, Witch Cedar lives not far from Witch College, and students run into her ever so often. Some of them get to know her a little bit, as they find her interesting and occasionally a useful resource in their studies or their everyday lives; others find her peculiar and keep their distance. Those with animal familiars may find themselves familiar with Witch Cedar, as she is one of the best local veterinary magicians. She also makes excellent tea, and listens well, making her an accidental confidante to the occasional student in need of a sympathetic ear or fresh perspective. She doesn’t mind, though when she bothers to stop and think about it she isn’t sure why this happens to her as often as it does.